Daddy's birthday is just one day after Lionel's, which is on the 15th of August. So, What did my sister and I did for him? Hmm...of course give him an awesome birthday celebration.
For lunch, we went to Dave at 1 Utama to eat spagettis and Fettucinis, yummy....I love cheese! It was a friday so the whole place were crowded, full of people. We had to wait for some time before our food arrived. We were there for the pasta only, which is at 50% on weekdays. However, the waiter came back to our table saying that only 2 more plates of fettucini could be served. So, let our parents had them, while my sis had fettucini and I had delinguini ( something like that, forgot the actual spelling ^^)
At night, after dinner, had the cake which we bought from Jusco brought's cutting cake session! The cake looks nice but in reality doesn't really taste that nice..looks can be deceiving, haha...

Tada, the birthday's a crystal lamp, with the effect of healing injuries and improve blood circulation.